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Newark Road appeal core document library and planning evidence

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CD1 Planning application documents and plans

Planning application documents

1.1. Application Form [PDF 196Kb]

1.2. Air Quality Assessment [PDF 22Mb]

1.3. Archaeology and Built Heritage Statement

1.4. Commentary On Lighting Strategy And Mitigation Report [PDF 283Kb]

1.5. Consultation Statement [PDF 4Mb]

1.6. Covering Letter (Superseeded) [PDF 770Kb]

1.7. Covering Letter (March 2024) [PDF 1Mb]

1.8. Design And Access Statement [PDF 5Mb]

1.9. Illustrative Masterplan (EMS2254 102 01 Rev G) (Superseded) [PDF 8Mb]

1.10. Illustrative Masterplan (EMS2254 102 01 Rev M) [PDF 3Mb]

1.11. Land Use Plan (EMS2254 110 01 Rev D) [PDF 7Mb]

1.12. Lighting Strategy And Mitigation Report [PDF 1Mb]

1.13.Noise Impact Assessment [PDF 22Mb]

1.14. Ownership Certificate C (March 2024) [PDF 1Mb]

1.15. Planning Statement [PDF 301Kb]

1.16. Preliminary Utilities Appraisal [PDF 3Mb]

1.17. Site Location Plan (EMS2254 018 01 Rev B) (Superseded) [PDF 1Mb]

1.18. Site Location Plan (EMS2254 018 01 Rev D) [PDF 255Kb]

Highways documents

1.19. ADC Infrastructure Response Tracker (ADC1580 DR 015 Rev P1) [PDF 361Kb]

1.20. Access Junction Layout Swept Path Assessment (ADC1580-DR-015 Rev P1) [PDF 2Mb]

1.21. Access Technical Note (ADC1580-RP-P-v6) [PDF 9Mb]

1.22. Consolidated Transport Assessment [PDF 8Mb]

1.23. Pedestrian/Cycle Access Strategy (ADC1580-DR-013 Rev P8) [PDF 4Mb]

1.24. Pedestrian/Cycle Movement Strategy (EMS2254_118 01) [PDF 4Mb]

1.25. Proposed Access Junction Layout (ADC1580-DR-012 Rev P12) [PDF 2Mb]

1.26. Proposed Footway/Cycleway Scheme on Newark Road (ADC1580-DR-006 Rev P7) [PDF 675Kb]

1.27. Proposed Improvement Scheme Coxmoor Road/Hamilton Road (ADC1580-DR-005 Rev P11) [PDF 902Kb]

1.28. Proposed Improvement Scheme Newark Road/Kirkby Folly Road (ADC1580-DR-004 Rev P8) [PDF 369Kb]

1.29. Transport Assessment

1.30. Travel Plan (ADC1580-RP-O-v3) (Superseded) [PDF 3Mb]

1.31. Travel Plan (ADC1580-RP-O-v4) [PDF 2Mb]

1.32. Vertical Visibility Splays Newark Road (ADC1580-DR-014 Rev P1) [PDF 737Kb]

Natural environment

1.33. Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Superseded)

1.34. Arboricultural Impact Assessment (February 2024)

1.35. Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment [PDF 229Kb]

1.36. Ecological Impact Appraisal [PDF 7Mb]

1.37. Ecological Impact Assessment (August 2023)

1.38. Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

1.39. Soils and Agricultural Quality Report [PDF 1Mb]

Flooding, drainage and contamination

1.40. Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Report [PDF 556Kb]

1.41. Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Desk Study

CD2 Consultation responses


2.1. ADC Housing (5 August 2024) [PDF 83Kb]

2.2. ADC Housing (16 February 2024) [PDF 77Kb]

2.3. ADC Planning (26 June 2024) [PDF 79Kb]

2.4. Health and Safety Executive (24 July 2024) [PDF 198Kb]

2.5. Health and Safety Executive (14 February 2024) [PDF 190Kb]

2.6. Health and Safety Executive (23 August 2022) [PDF 231Kb]

2.7. Nottinghamshire County Council (14 March 2024) [PDF 587Kb]

2.8. Nottinghamshire County Council (4 November 2022) [PDF 459Kb]

2.9. NHS ICB (15 February 2023) [PDF 93Kb]

2.10. Nottinghamshire Police (5 February 2024) [PDF 207Kb]

2.11. Network Rail (8 February 2024) [PDF 189Kb]

Natural environment

2.12. ADC Arboriculture (22 February 2024) [PDF 68Kb]

2.13. ADC Ecology (15 February 2024) [PDF 26Kb]

2.14. Natural England (12 February 2024) [PDF 3Mb]

2.15. Natural England (2 September 2022) [PDF 135Kb]


2.16. Active Travel England (2 February 2024) [PDF 134Kb]

2.17. NCC Transport and Travel Services (19 February 2024) [PDF 664Kb]

2.18. NCC Transport and Travel Services (19 December 2022) [PDF 127Kb]

2.19. NCC Transport and Travel Services (20 September 2022) [PDF 153Kb]

2.20. NCC Highways (28 June 2024) [PDF 153Kb]

2.21. NCC Highways (17 June 2024) [PDF 31Kb]

2.22. NCC Highways (27 March 2024) [PDF 39Kb]

2.23. NCC Highways (21 February 2024) [PDF 68Kb]

Flooding, drainage and contamination

2.24. ADC Environmental Health (29 September 2024) [PDF 364Kb]

2.25. ADC Environmental Health- Contaminated Land Officer (29 July 2024) [PDF 88Kb]

2.26. Environment Agency (12 September 2022) [PDF 37Kb]

2.27. NCC Lead Local Flood Authority (21 February 2024) [PDF 151Kb]

2.28. NCC Lead Local Flood Authority (12 September 2022) [PDF 56Kb]

2.29. Severn Trent Water (1 July 2024) [PDF 225Kb]

2.30. Severn Trent Water (15 May 2024) [PDF 197Kb]

CD3 Committee report and minutes

3.1. Officer Committee Report (July 2024) [PDF 299Kb]

3.2. Updated Officer Committee Report (October 2024) [PDF 529Kb]

3.3. Planning Committee Minutes (July 2024) [PDF 117Kb]

3.4. Planning Committee Minutes (October 2024) [PDF 109Kb]

CD4 The Development plan

4.1. Ashfield Local Plan Review (2002) [PDF 4Mb]

4.2. Ashfield Local Plan Review (2002) Policies Map North Sheet [PDF 2Mb]

CD5 Supplementary planning documents and guidance documents

5.1. National Planning Policy Framework (2023) [PDF 846Kb]

5.2. ADC Residential Design Guide (November 2014) [PDF 1Mb]

5.3. ADC Residential Car Parking Standards (November 2014) [PDF 3Mb]

5.4. NCC Highway Design Guide

5.5. Manual for Streets (2007) [PDF 4Mb]

5.6. Manual for Streets 2 (September 2010) [PDF 9Mb]

5.7. Building Sustainable Transport into New Developments (April 2008) [PDF 548Kb]

5.8. Local Transport Note 1/20 (July 2020) [PDF 15Mb]

5.9. Building for a Healthy Life (2020) [PDF 7Mb]

5.10. National Design Guide (January 2021) [PDF 10Mb]

5.11. Gear Change (July 2020) [PDF 5Mb]

5.12. National Model Design Code (July 2021)

CD6 Emerging Local Plan documents

6.1. Ashfield Local Plan 2023 – 2040 (November 2023) [PDF 3Mb]

6.2. Ashfield Local Plan 2023 - 2040 Policies Map North Sheet [PDF 14Mb]

CD7 Relevant appeal decisions

7.1. APP/W3005/W/21/3278394 – Ashlands House [PDF 138Kb]

7.2. APP/W3005/W/18/3213342 – Land West of Beck Lane [PDF 245Kb]

7.3. APP/W3005/W/20/3252949 – 211 Alfreton Road [PDF 894Kb]

7.4. APP/W3005/W/20/3263882 – Land off Millers Way [PDF 162Kb]

7.5. Costs Decision in respect of CD 7.4 [PDF 113Kb]

7.6. APP/W3005/W/21/3272262 – Land at Gilcroft Street/Vere Avenue [PDF 1014Kb]

7.7. APP/W3005/W/21/3274818 – Land off Ashland Road West [PDF 229Kb]

7.8. APP/W3005/W/15/3035794 – North Street [PDF 275Kb]

7.9. APP/W3005/W/24/3338235 – Lime Avenue [PDF 149Kb]

7.10. APP/F2605/W/18/3194045 – Land North of Norwich Road [PDF 157Kb]

7.11. APP/H2265/W/18/3202040 – Land to the Rear of 237-259 London Road [PDF 234Kb]

7.12. APP/Y3940/W/23/3329064 – Land South of Pound Lane [PDF 113Kb]

7.13. APP/C3620/W/23/3324631 – Land at Sondes Place Farm [PDF 292Kb]

7.14. APP/P4605/W/18/3192918 – Land at Site of Former North Worcestershire Golf Club [PDF 1Mb]

7.15. APP/L3815/W/16/3165228 – Land at the Corner of Oving Road and A27 [PDF 230Kb]

7.16. APP/Q3115/W/19/3230827 – Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley Campus [PDF 1Mb]

7.17. APP/Q3630/A/05/1198326 – Land at Franklands Drive [PDF 1Mb]

7.18. APP/Y2736/W/15/3136233 & APP/Y2736/W/15/3136237 – Land to the West of Langton Road [PDF 246Kb]

7.19. APP/R3650/W/23/3332590 – Land at Coombebury Cottage [PDF 222Kb]

7.20. APP/W0340/A/14/2228089 – Land at Firlands Farm [PDF 196Kb]

7.21. APP/W0340/A/14/2226342 – Mans Hill, Burghfield Common [PDF 279Kb]

7.22. APP/M2270/W/21/3282908 – Land to the East of Highgate Hill and South of Copthall Avenue [PDF 346Kb]

7.23. APP/R1038/W/17/3192255 – Land at Deerlands Road [PDF 333Kb]

7.24. APP/P0119/W/17/3191477 – Land East of Park Lane, Coalpit Heath [PDF 251Kb]

7.25. APP/C1570/W/22/3296426 – Land South of (East of Griffin Place) Radwinter Road [PDF 276Kb]

7.26. APP/J4423/W/21/3267168 – Land at Junction with Carr Road and Hollin Busk Lane [PDF 368Kb]

CD8 Relevant Judicial authorities

8.1. Monkhill Ltd v SSHCLG [2019] EWHC 1993 (Admin) [PDF 231Kb]

8.2. Monkhill Ltd v SSHCLG [2021] EWCA Civ 74 [PDF 244Kb]

8.3. Wavendon Properties Limited v SSHCLG [2019] EWHC 1524 (Admin) [PDF 2Mb]

8.4. Oxton Farm v Harrogate BC [2020] EWCA Civ 805 [PDF 461Kb]

8.5. Bloor Homes East Midlands Limited v SSCLG [2014] EWHC 754 (Admin) [PDF 301Kb]

8.6. Telford and Wrekin BC v SSCLG [2016] EWHC 3073 (Admin) [PDF 160Kb]

8.7. Cawrey Limited v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council [2016] EWHC 1198 (Admin) [PDF 269Kb]

CD9 Appeal documents

9.1. Signed Statement of Common Ground (28/11/2024) [PDF 1Mb]

9.2. Appellant’s Statement of Case [PDF 388Kb]

9.3. Ashfield District Council Statement of Case [PDF 50Kb]

9.4. Final Draft S106 Planning Obligations [TBC]

9.5. CIL Compliance Statement [TBC]

CD10 Landscape matters

10.1. Greater Nottingham Landscape Character Assessment [PDF 2Mb]

10.2. An Approach to Landscape Character Assessment Natural England (October 2014) [PDF 2Mb]

10.3. Landscape Institute Visual Representation of Development Proposals (September 2019) [PDF 1Mb]

10.4. Landscape Institute Technical Guidance Note 02/21 (2021) [PDF 1Mb]

10.5. SHELAA Methodology and Site Assessments (2021) [PDF 602Kb]

10.6. SHELAA Appendix G Sutton Sites [PDF 6Mb]

10.7. ADC Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Technical Paper (September 2013) [PDF 394Kb]

10.8. National Character Area Profile 49 Sherwood [PDF 3Mb]

10.9. East Midlands Regional Character Assessment Group 10 [PDF 6Mb]

10.10. Sherwood Landscape Policy Zone 11 [PDF 11Mb]

CD11 Agricultural land matters

11.1. Natural England Agricultural Land Classification East Midlands Region [PDF 18Mb]

11.2. Emerging Local Plan Background Paper 5: Analysis of Constraints for the District [PDF 5Mb]

11.3. The Meteorological Office Climatological Data for ALC (1989) [PDF 10Mb]

11.4. MAFF Agricultural Land Classification (October 1988) [PDF 2Mb]

CD12 Planning matters

12.1. ADC Housing Land Monitoring Report (July 2024) [PDF 1Mb]

12.2. Housing Delivery Test 2022 Measurement [ODS 56Kb]

12.3. Ashfield Playing Pitch Strategy 2023 to 2027 [PDF 12Mb]

12.4. Public Open Space Strategy 2016 to 2026 [PDF 767Kb]

12.5. Letter from Inspector Jeremy Youle to ADC (2014)

12.6. Minutes to the Extraordinary Council Meeting (September 2018) [PDF 185Kb]

12.7. Ashfield Publication Local Plan Appendix 3 (September 2016) [PDF 16Mb]

12.8. Letter from the Secretary of State to ADC (December 2023) [PDF 139Kb]

12.9. Letter from ADC to the Secretary of State (January 2024) [PDF 103Kb]

12.10. Emerging Local Plan Background Paper 1: Spatial Strategy and Site Selection (October 2023) [PDF 1Mb]

12.11. Emerging Local Plan Background Paper 2: Housing (October 2023) [PDF 735Kb]

12.12. Extract Comparison from Ashfield Draft Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal (Reg. 18) [PDF 2Mb]

12.13. Inspectors’ Initial Questions for ADC on the Matter of the Local Plan Examination (July 2024) [PDF 74Kb]

12.14. Letter from Matthew Pennycook MP to Chief Executive of PINS (30 July 2024) [PDF 2Mb]

12.15. ADC Local Development Scheme (August 2023) [PDF 464Kb]

12.16. Ashfield Local Plan 2023 – 2040 Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2023) [PDF 2Mb]

12.17. Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendix E (November 2023) [PDF 210Kb]

12.18. Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendix G (November 2023) [PDF 1005Kb]

12.19. Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendix H (November 2023) [PDF 929Kb]

12.20. Sustainability Appraisal Report Appendix L (November 2023) [PDF 234Kb]

CD13 Contamination matters

13.1. Phase 1 Desk Study Rev A (September 2017) [PDF 15Mb]

13.2. Technical Note Ground Conditions Rev A (September 2017) [PDF 1Mb]

13.3. Technical Note Ground Gas Risk Assessment Rev A (May 2018)

CD14 Highways matters

14.1. NCC Highways Consultation Response in Respect of V/2017/0565 (3 July 2019) [PDF 202Kb]

14.2. ADC Infrastructure Response to NCC Comments of 21 February 2024 (March 2024) [PDF 282Kb]

14.3. D2N2 Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (April 2021) [PDF 17Mb]

14.4. CIHT Planning for Walking (April 2015) [PDF 13Mb]

14.5. Manual for Streets (2007) [PDF 4Mb]

14.6. National Travel Survey (2020) [PDF 5Mb]

14.7. Active Travel England - Standard Advice Note (June 2024) [PDF 988Kb]

CD15 Affordable housing matters

15.1. ADC Housing Strategy 2024 – 2026 [PDF 198Kb]

15.2. Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Prevention Review (2024) [PDF 1Mb]

15.3. ADC Affordable Housing Strategy 2023 – 2025

15.4. Greater Nottingham and Ashfield Housing Needs Assessment (October 2020) [PDF 6Mb]

15.5. Greater Nottingham and Ashfield Housing Needs Update (March 2024) [PDF 2Mb]

15.6. FOI Request Housing Data (September 2024)

CD16 Proofs of evidence

16.1. Affordable Housing Proof of Evidence

16.2 Agricultural Proof of Evidence

16.3 Summary of Agricultural Evidence [PDF 463Kb]

16.4 Planning Proof of Evidence [PDF 10Mb]

16.5 Summary of Planning Evidence [PDF 790Kb]

16.6 Land Contamination Proof of Evidence

16.7 Summary of Land Contamination Evidence [PDF 310Kb]

16.8 Highways Proof of Evidence

16.9 Summary of Highways Evidence

Summary Of Highways Evidence [PDF 101Kb]

16.10 Landscape Proof of Evidence

16.11 Summary of Landscape Proof of Evidence [PDF 737Kb]

16.12 Letter to Inspectorate Newark Road [PDF 469Kb]

16.13 Statement by Cllr Zadrozny [PDF 467Kb]

16.14 Cllr Relf Statement Newark Road [PDF 2Mb]

CD17 Inquiry documents

17.1. TBC