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Review of Statement of Gambling Policy - Consultation

The Council is obliged to determine and publish a "Statement of Gambling Policy" and to keep it under review and to republish it at least every three years.

On 9 September 2021 the Licensing Committee approved the Draft Revised Statement of Gambling Policy to be put out for public consultation; this is available in the related documents section of this page.

The consultation runs from 13 September 2021 until 24 October 2021, and you are welcome to submit any comments you may have to in relation to our Policy by way of email to:

The Licensing Committee will meet again on 11 November 2021 to consider any valid consultation responses and instruct the Licensing Manager to make any relevant changes to the Policy in light of such responses, before making a recommendation to Council that it adopts the Policy when it sits on 2 December 2021 (with the Policy then taking effect from 31 January 2021.

Please note, that in light of there being no amendments to the Gambling Act 2005, or to the Gambling Commission’s Guidance to Licensing Authorities since the 2018 Policy review carried out by Ashfield District Council, and in line with the other Nottinghamshire Councils, no additions or amendments to the existing Policy have been made.