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Appendix 3 - Scope 1 and 2 emissions methodology table

This table outlines how these sources of Scope 1 and 2 emissions have been applied in calculating Ashfield District Council’s carbon footprint.


Scope 1 and 2 Emissions source Methodology and Assumptions (where relevant) Data Sources Emissions Factor Data Sources

Gas and electricity consumption

Emissions calculated using monthly consumption data

Calculation Assumptions:

  • Took out leased assets, except where data included for void periods. Part leased assets remain included in the dataset, as unable to split what proportion is under operational control or not.

Data backfilling:

  • Average per month calculated for data which is available for each site up to March 2020. This monthly average is used to infill missing data where backfilling is required, as indicated by ADC by the key on the provided spreadsheet.
  • Credits/reimbursement are included in yearly totals, so that overall totals for year are accurate.

ADC spreadsheet Energy Consumption – For NCC 02.02.21

Gas and electricity consumption per month


ADC spreadsheet 1) Combined Summary v2 01.02.20

(SPV Installations)

BEIS Conversion factors: advanced set; 2015 to 2019 figures

Biomass consumption

Emissions calculated using biomass fuel delivery amounts (wood pellets).

Calculation Assumptions:

  • Emissions are included for the financial year in which the wood pellets delivery date was during.

ADC Energy Consumption and Renewables Info Biomass – Titchfield Court, Biomass – Sherwood Court)

BEIS Conversion factors: advanced set; 2015 to 2019 figures


Emissions calculated using litres of fuel consumed.

Calculation Assumptions:

  • Diesel and Petrol average biofuel blend emissions factors used.
  • Red Diesel does not hold its own conversion factor and therefore given the same factor as normal diesel.
  • AdBlue discounted in fuel use due to insufficient emissions intensity factors for AdBlue and specific vehicle types. This should be investigated further.
  • Vehicles of low frequency or unidentified have been identified as miscellaneous.

3a) Non-Housing 5 Year Fuel Report

Fleet fuel consumption per month per vehicle


3b) Housing 5 Year Fuel Report

Fleet fuel consumption per month per vehicle

BEIS Conversion factors: advanced set; 2015 to 2019 figures


Fugitive emissions

Screening Method used to calculate fugitive emissions.

Calculation Assumptions:

  • As with gas and electricity consumption, air conditioning and refrigeration units in part leased assets remain included in the dataset, as unable to split what proportion of these assets are under operational control or not.
  • Some units have R22 as a refrigerant. R22 is not included as a greenhouse gas under the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols, and is therefore not covered within the GHG Protocol. As such, this is not included in ADC’s calculated footprint.
  • Assumed the refrigerant type in fridges is R410A. This has one of the lowest global warming potentials (GWP), and may therefore be an underestimate of these emissions. R410A is also considered a greenhouse gas, though there is the potential that the refrigerant is not covered within the Kyoto Protocol, and therefore would not be included in the emissions inventory.
  • Charge (for fridges) and annual leakage rate per type of unit (fridge, air conditioning) use the average of the range given in the IPCC Good Practice Guidelines and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Inventories (2000). These have a wide range, and the value used can result in highly variable outcome, hence the average is used consistently for each year in this report.
  • Assumed the refrigerant type in fleet air conditioning units is R134a, with an average charge of 1kg. Assumed charge has been based on internet sources, as no range is given for average charge in the IPCC Good Practice Guidelines and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Inventories (2000).
  • As indicated by ADC, assumed no change in last 5 years in number and type of air conditioning units in buildings, fleet air conditioning units, or numbers and size of fridges.

Air Con List for NCC

Air conditioning units on buildings, number and size of fridges, number of fleet air conditioning units (20/21)

GWP from Table 1 in

the GHG Protocol Fugitive emissions calculator tool (GWPs from IPCC Second Assessment Report (1995) and ASHRAE

Standard 34).

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