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Appendix 1 – Full ADC emissions table

Scope 1 (tCO2e)

Scope 1 (tCO2e) 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Exclusions/justifications where relevant
Gas 879.12 951.28 880.48 945.95 979.53


Biomass 4.01 11.77 12.28 8.33 8.78

CH4 and N2O only; CO2 emissions from biomass combustion are reported outside of scopes.

Fleet 1,073.4 1,125.8 1,113.9 1,066.3 1,032.7


Fugitive emissions 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84


Scope 1 Total 1,960.3 2,092.7 2,010.5 2,024.4 2,024.9  

Scope 2 (tCO2e)

Scope 2 (tCO2e) 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Exclusions/justifications where relevant
Electricity Location-based approach 1,033.53 961.71 789.91 614.13 561.59  
Scope 2 Total (Location-based approach) 1,033.5 961.7 789.9 614.1 561.6  

Scope 3 (tCO2e)

Scope 3 (tCO2e) 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Exclusions/justifications where relevant
Purchased goods and services 5,844.86 5,200.16 4,804.81 4,126.83 4,004.17 Includes procurement (spend based data) and water supply (m3).
Capital goods 5,851.14 4,327.23 4,651.96 2,632.96 4,143.22  
Fuel- and energy-related activities







Upstream transportation and distribution 998.84 1,000.24 877.85 964.03 1,026.72 Does not include data for storage of goods in warehouses
Waste generated in operations 37.71 42.79 47.22 52.14 50.25


Business travel 92.99 91.34 83.28 80.55 71.65


Employee commuting 1,106.22 1,114.45 1,047.57 995.02 935.71  
Upstream leased assets







Downstream transportation and distribution







Processing of sold products







Use of sold products







End-of-life treatment of sold products







Downstream leased assets 227.98 183.86 137.37 174.44 130.89 Includes solar consumption at grid intensity (location-based approach)







Investments 4,224.94 5,212.81 14,147.57 6,899.86 22,730.47  
Scope 3 Total 19,005.9 17,824.2 26,448.4 16,490.9 33,632.5  

Tonnes CO2e

Tonnes CO2e 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Gross emissions (using Scope 2 location-based approach) 22,000 20,879 29,249 19,129 36,219
Exported renewable electricity production



0.6 0.9 0.7
Renewable electricity generated from owned or controlled sources 23.6 61.2 57.6 61.8 55.8
Renewable energy-related activities 5.8 16.7 18.5 24.6 24.6
Renewable electricity generated from downstream leased assets 1.9 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.3






Woodland Carbon units






Net emissions 21,969 20,799 29,170 19,041 36,136

Emissions outside of scopes 1-3

Biomass (tCO2) 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Biomass (tCO2) 106.76 314.69 337.77 193.21 196.25


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