Cemetery and burial costs
There is a cost to burials at our cemeteries, and for services at our 2 chapels, as well as for headstones and other monuments.
If you have a cremation at Mansfield and District Crematorium there is a separate cost to this, as well as any services you may have from a funeral director.
Burial costs
Burial or interment of remains for stillborns, non-viable foetus or children from birth to under 16 is free of charge, within the children's section only.
Interment costs
- adult grave - £876
- double adult grave (not available at Hucknall) - £913
- triple adult grave (only available at Kingsway New) - £1000
- interment of cremated remains - £250
- scattering of ashes - £100.
Where interment is for a non-Ashfield resident the cost is doubled.
Service and paperwork costs
- use of chapel - £250 (£500 where service is for a non-Ashfield resident)
- late arrival at cemetery (more than 30 minutes late) - £125
- late arrival of paperwork - £33 - we must received paperwork by 10am no more than 2 days before interment
- Family tree and genealogy searches (per name/per grave) - £33.
Headstone and monument costs
- headstone (not exceeding 3 foot X 2 foot 6 inches) - £289
- headstone (not exceeding 2 foot X 2 foot 6 inches - Cremated remains area) - £289
- vase (under 8 inches high) - £176
- vase (over 8 inches high) - £226
- additional inscription on existing headstone - £113
- memorial tree - £191.
Other costs
You can buy exclusive rights of burial for a plot in our cemeteries. The rights last for 75 years and cost:
- adult grave - £1125
- child grave (in child section of cemetery) - free
- cremated remains - £625
- Transfer of rights of burial where plot is not being re-opened or memorial installed - £33.
Where the exclusive rights of burial are for a non-Ashfield resident the cost is doubled.