Home Office project funding to help prevention of radicalisation in Sutton
Sutton-In-Ashfield was one of two places across the whole of Nottinghamshire to be successful for £20,000 Home Office project work.
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Sutton-In-Ashfield was one of two places across the whole of Nottinghamshire to be successful for £20,000 Home Office project work.
Authorities in Ashfield are coming together to make Halloween and Bonfire Night as safe as possible for residents and visitors this year.
A new car park for Kirkby Leisure Centre is moving a step closer as work to demolish the Festival Hall leisure centre has commenced.
Landlords and agents with properties in Sutton and Stanton Hill must apply for their selective licence by Tuesday 25th October, if they haven’t already applied.
Ashfield District Council have launched a Cost of Living Hub to provide support and information for residents and businesses struggling through the cost of living crisis.
A world first in camera technology pioneered in Ashfield is now being replicated across the country.
Ashfield District Council have released the dates of this year’s Christmas Lights events.
Ashfield District Council’s Community Safety Team and Neighbourhood Policing Teams have joined forces to undertake proactive patrols and interventions across Ashfield.
Hundreds of job seekers and students are set to attend Ashfield District Council’s annual free Careers and Jobs Fair at the new Kirkby Leisure Centre, on Friday 4 November between 10am - 3pm.
Councillors are moving forward with their plans to close and restrict access to a number of crime-ridden alleyways across Ashfield.
Ashfield District Council, and partners, have submitted an investment plan to unlock up to £3.2million from the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund to invest across the District.
The Council are inviting residents of all ages to describe what they love about the District’s three leisure centres.