Apply to hold a market
You can apply to us if you want to hold private, commercial, charity markets, car boot sales or similar in Ashfield.
You should read our markets policy and make sure you understand the requirements before you submit an application to us. Our policy is available in the related documents section of this web page.
What is a market?
A market is defined as:
a concourse of buyers and sellers and shall not be comprised of not less than 5 stalls, stands, vehicles, whether moveable or not or pitches from which articles are sold and normally there will be a range of different sellers.
Car boot sales, antique and craft markets, general markets, food markets, farmers' markets, charitable markets and markets held as part of a bigger event all fall within the remit of our Markets Policy.
If you wish to operate a market within the district of Ashfield it will be necessary to obtain a markets licence from us. To enable us to assess your application you must fully complete the application form and provide any supplementary information and documentation that is required.
Fewer than 4 stalls?
If your planned event will have fewer than 4 you will need a street trading consent and not a market licence.
Other approvals you may need for a market operator licence
As well as a market operator licence from us you may need to get other approvals and provide evidence of them in your application. These may include:
- where the market is being held on private land the market operator must ensure prior approval of the landowner is gained
- the market operator is responsible for any temporary road closures and associated traffic management arrangements that may be required in order to facilitate the operation of the market. Nottinghamshire County Council has legal powers to temporarily close roads and divert traffic in order to facilitate various types of event and applications for temporary road closures (external link) should be made to them
- checking whether planning consent is needed. Any market held in the same location for 14 or more days in a calendar year will require planning consent
- a temporary event notice may be required if hot food or alcohol is available.
Apply for a commercial market
Before applying make sure you have read the markets policy - available in the related documents section - and have considered other approvals which may be needed.
We do not allow any commercial market within 62/3 miles of an existing licensed market, unless it can be demonstrated the new market will not undermine the existing market and not prejudice our overall market offer.
You can apply online to operate a commercial market.
Apply for commercial market operator licence
Or you can download an application form from the related documents section. Complete and return it along with any supporting documentation and the fee as far in advance of the proposed market date as possible. We aim to review and make a decision on the licence within 20 working days.
You should return your application to us by:
- email:
- post:
Ashfield District Council
Markets Section
Indoor Market Hall
Idlewells Shopping Centre
Sutton in Ashfield
NG17 1BP.
How much does it cost?
There is a fixed fee to process the initial application of £204.
There is a sliding scale of fees depending on the size of the market.
Number of traders / stalls / catering vehicles | Fee per event day during licence period |
1 - 25 | £29.04 |
26 – 50 | £58.80 |
51 - 75 | £87.84 |
76 - 100 | £117.60 |
101 - 200 | £335.20 |
Over 200 | £412.70 |
Ways to pay:
Once a licence has been drawn up you must pay the fee and return statistical data to us within 7 days of the event being held.
You can do this by debit or credit card by:
- telephone: 01623 551385
Apply for a community-based or non-profit market
Before applying make sure you have read the markets policy and have considered other approvals which may be needed.
To apply for a licence to operate a community-based or non-profit market you will need to download and complete the application form from the related documents section.
Return it along with any supporting documentation and the fee as far in advance of the proposed market date as possible. We aim to review and make a decision on the licence within 20 working days.
You should return your application to us by:
- email:
- post:
Ashfield District Council
Markets Section
Indoor Market Hall
Idlewells Shopping Centre
Sutton in Ashfield
NG17 1BP.
How much does it cost?
There is a fixed fee to process the initial application of £51.
Where the market is to be operated on a non-profit making basis and the number of stalls is 15 or less and there are 4 or fewer events per 12 months, then the application fee will be waived.
How to pay
For all other markets, the application fee must be paid before the consideration of the market application. You can do this by debit or credit card by:
- telephone: 01623 551385
How to contact us about operating a market
You can contact us if you have any questions about a market operator licence by:
- online form
- email:
- telephone: 01623 551385