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Hate crime

A hate crime is any incident, which may or may not constitute a criminal offence, which is perceived by you or another person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate.

What is a hate incident?

A hate crime is any crime which is perceived, by the victim or anyone else, to be motivated by hostility and prejudice towards a person because of:

  • race or ethnic group
  • sexual orientation
  • disability
  • transgender identity
  • religion or ethnic belief. 

These crimes can be against individuals or their property or belongings.

Other types of hate related harassment

We are committed to addressing harassment based on all personal characteristics set out by the Equality Act 2010. This includes, age, disability, gender, gender identity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief and sexuality.

When is a hate incident also a hate crime?

When hate incidents become criminal offences they are known as hate crimes.

Any criminal offence can be a hate crime if it was carried out because of hostility or prejudice based on disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, or transgender identity.

Who can take action?

We work closely with external partner agencies such as the police, other councils and Housing Associations to tackle hate crime and incidents.

The police can only prosecute if the law has been broken, however can work with partners in the community and with offenders to try and prevent these types of incidents happening again and turning into a crime.

Examples of hate crimes or incidents

  • physical assault – violence against you such as punching, pinching, spitting, hitting
  • harm or damage to property/belongings - arson, offensive graffiti, damaging cars, throwing litter on your garden
  • threatening attack – Offensive telephone calls, texts, emails or letters, intimidation and untrue malicious complaints
  • verbal abuse – direct offensive language, offensive jokes, offensive posters, bullying at school or workplace
  • bullying via social media through Facebook or twitter.

Who can report a hate crime?

Everyone has the right to live without fear or harassment therefore it is important to report any hate crime or incident, whether it is the first occurrence or ongoing. You can report whether you are a victim, a witness or reporting on behalf on someone else.

We want everyone to feel safe at home, at work or school/college and on the streets of Ashfield. Only by recording incidents can we build up a complete picture of hate incidents in the area and do something to stop it. If you or someone you know has been the victim of a hate incident, we want to know about it.

The person making the report does not have to be the victim. Anyone who is made aware of the incident can report it.

We encourage all victims of hate crime to report this by ringing 101 and speaking to Nottinghamshire Police about the incident. They should then arrange for an officer to come and visit you at a time and place you feel most comfortable.

What should I do or say?

  • tell them why you think it is a hate crime
  • get the name and number of the officer you speak to. This will be useful if you need to contact him or her again. Also make sure you take a note of your crime number
  • use diary sheets that can be given to you by the officer in your case to keep a record of any incidents that have affected you. This will help you to remember details accurately if you need to make a statement later
  • don't touch anything the offender might have been in contact with or that may have blood or saliva on it. This can include clothes, weapons, letters, and leaflets. We may be able to use these to identify the offender
  • ask the officer in your case for photographs to be taken of anything that shows what happened, or take photographs yourself. For example, of damage to your property or vehicle, graffiti etc. Photographs could later be used as evidence.
  • if there are any witnesses get their names and contact details (address and telephone number). Ask them to write down what they saw or heard and sign it.
  • if you're injured make sure you see a doctor or visit a hospital and get any visible injuries are photographed. Show these to us.
  • keep a record of any expenses you incur, for example public transport fares to hospital, loss

Reporting a hate crime or getting advice and support

In an emergency or if you at immediate risk call for the police on 999, or you can contact 101 in a none emergency.

  • True vision - national website for reporting hate crime to the Police
  • Crimestoppers
  • Stop Hate UK:
    • telephone: 0800 138 1625
    • for deaf people text: Relay on 18001 0800 138 1625
  • Victim Support (Ashfield)
    • telephone: 01623 450088

Reporting hate to us

When an individual reports hate matters to us, it will be treated seriously and appropriate action taken that is sensitive to the needs of the victim. Action will often involve partner agencies, including Police, where appropriate. The individual will be kept informed about how their report is being dealt with and progress of their case.

How to reporting hate to us:

We'll ask for full details of the incident. We will also encourage you to report this to the police and we will support you in this process. We will then work with our partners to ensure the incidents of the nature are minimised.

Hate crime policy

For further information on our commitment to addressing Hate Crime, please refer to our policy: