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Street trading

If you are selling, exposing or offering for sale any item, including a living thing, in the street you will need a street trading consent. This is under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Schedule IV (the Act). 

In Ashfield all streets and roads are covered by a trading consent meaning you cannot sell anything without having been granted 'consent' first by us. 

A street trading consent allows you to trade from a stall, unit or vehicle from a single designated location on or near the highway on a regular basis.

Trading on private land, to which the general public has unrestricted access will also need permission by way of a street trading consent.

We offer street trading consents for periods of 12 months or 6 months. 

If you want to trade at multiple locations across the Ashfield area you will need a mobile trading consent.

What we consider with street trading applications

Our policy is to prevent street trading in locations: 

  • where there might be a risk to public safety because of causing an obstruction or unhygienic conditions
  • where there might be a risk to public order
  • where there might be a risk of public nuisance or annoyance because of noise, odour, litter or similar
  • whether planning permission is needed or has been given
  • appearance of the stall, vehicle or unit
  • and any relevant registrations for food businesses. 

Our policy is also to prevent street trading in locations in close proximity to: 

  • a place of worship
  • a place of education
  • a place of healthcare
  • a place cultural or historical significance
  • residential properties
  • businesses offering the same goods or services
  • or may undermine the safety and convenience of the public or road users. 

Apply for a street trading consent

You can apply for: 

  • a new pitch in a new location
  • a vacant pitch in an already approved location. 

You may also need a premises licence (issued under the Licensing Act 2003) if you want to sell hot food and hot drinks after 11pm or before 5am from your pitch.  

Download the application pack and form from this page. Complete and send with any necessary documents such as Food Hygiene Certificates to us. 

There is charge for a street trading consent. You can pay by debit or credit card. 

Applying for a new street trading pitch

If you want to apply for a new pitch to be adopted we welcome this. Read the information in the application pack about which locations are unlikely to be suitable before you apply to us. 

There will be a 28 day consultation period on new pitches. A public notice must be displayed at the site of the pitch, or close to it, for the whole period. Stakeholders such as the police and Trading Standards will also be consulted. 

If no objections are received the consent will be granted. If there are objections the application will be taken to a hearing for a decision to be made. 

Alternatively, you can apply to trade from a current vacant pitch – which will not require any consultation before we grant you a street trading consent.

Vacant street trading locations

There are a number of sites already approved for street trading in Ashfield. Applications to the vacant spots will be granted without consultation, though please note that for some locations below you will also be required to get the approval of the land owner for you to trade from that specific location (as the permission was given by the land owner to the previous trader at that location). 

There are currently vacant spots at: 

  • A611 layby South, Hucknall
  • A611 layby North, Hucknall
  • A608 Mansfield Road / Kirkby Road (off J27 M1) - this cannot be used for selling food or drink
  • Lowmoor Road, Kirkby in Ashfield - there is a 25% reduction in costs for this pitch.
  • Yew Tree Ponds, Jacksdale (permission also required from land owner)
  • Observatory Way, Kirkby in Ashfield (permission also required from land owner)
  • Thieves Wood, Kirkby in Ashfield (permission also required from Forestry Commission)
  • Starbox Boxing Club Car Park, High Street, Stanton Hill (permission also required from land owner)

Restrictions on existing pitches

There are reduced rates for pitches at Portland Square, Sutton in Ashfield, Lowmoor Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, and High Street, Hucknall. This is due to limited trading hours on these sites. 

Costs of a street trading consent

Type of street trading consent Lasting 6 months Lasting 12 months
Street trading consent - standard site £697 £1294
Street trading consent - market site £485.25 £970.50

You can pay by debit or credit card. We offer payment plans to help you spread the cost of the consent. 

Pay for your consent

Other ways to contact us about the consent

If you have questions about the consent or applying you can contact us by: