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Please note: Some online forms for Waste services will be offline all weekend until 24 February.

Temporary event notice

A temporary event notice (TEN) allows you to stage an event. TENs can be used for small-scale ad-hoc events held in or on land or premises involving no more than 499 people at any one time, that involve a licensable activity.

Premises which hold a premises licence or club premises certificate may wish to make use of TENs in order for additional licensable activities or for an extension of hours.

Licensable activities are:

  • the sale and supply of alcohol
  • the provision of late night refreshment (hot food and drinks between 11pm and 5am). 

It also covers regulated entertainment including: 

  • plays
  • films
  • indoor sporting events
  • boxing, wrestling, combined fighting sports
  • live music
  • recorded Music
  • entertainment similar in description to music and dance.

There are a number of criteria for temporary event notices: 

  • the person giving the Temporary Event Notice, the premises user, must be over 18-years-old
  • personal licence holders may give up to 50 notices per year, non-personal licence holders may only give up to five notices per year.
  • each event may last no more than 168 hours
  • no premises may be used more than 20 times per calendar year
  • no premises may be used for more than 26 days per calendar year in total
  • no more than 499 persons attending the event.

There must be at least 24 hours between events notified by the premises user in respect of the same premises. In addition a TEN is treated as being from the same premises user even if it is given by an associate. This means a spouse, child, parent, grandchild, grandparent, brother or sister or their spouses or agent or employee of that person or their spouse.

If you are organising an event you should contact us early so we can consider your plans and let you know of any potential problems in good time, and before you make your application. 

If the criteria is met and there are no objections you can assume agreement has been given 10 working days after application, or 5 working days for a late TEN. This means tacit consent applies. 

Apply for a licence

You need to apply for your temporary event notice at least 10 working days before the event is due to take place. The 10 days does not include the day of submission, or the day of the event, or non-working days (Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays).

You can apply for a 'late TEN' with 5 working days to the event. 

You will need to download the application form from the Gov.UK website. You can complete and upload it through the same site, along with your payment. Forms must be completed fully to be accepted. 

Apply for a licence

Only the police or environmental health can object to a temporary event notice and they must do this within 3 days of receiving the application. Hearings must happen no later than 24 hours before the event is due to take place. 

How much does it cost?

A temporary event notice is £21. If you need a replacement copy of an existing notice this is £10.50. You can pay by debit or credit card through the online application system. 

Pay for an event notice

What about planning permission?

Please note, that a temporary event notice does not exempt you from any requirements under planning law. For example, a temporary event notice given to allow the sale of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainments or the provision of late night refreshment to take place at a premises until 1am, will not override any planning restriction that prevents the premises from being open after 11pm. Holding an event beyond the permitted hours of the planning restriction may result in enforcement action being taken against you.

Other ways to contact us about a temporary event notice

If you have questions about the licence or need an application form you can contact us by: