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Betting, gaming and lotteries

We licence premises where gambling takes place as well as register small society lotteries. This is under the Gambling Act 2005. 

Consultation: Review of statement of Gambling Policy

The Council is obliged to determine and publish a "Statement of Gambling Policy" and to keep it under review and to republish it at least every 3 years. 
On 19 July 2024 the Licensing Committee approved the draft revised statement of Gambling Policy to be put out for public consultation.
The consultation runs from 1 July 2024 – 18 August 2024, and you are welcome to submit any comments you may have to in relation to our Policy by way of email to:
The Licensing Committee will meet again in the Autumn to consider any valid consultation responses and instruct the Licensing Manager to make any relevant changes to the Policy in light of such responses, before making a recommendation to Full Council that it adopts the Policy when it sits ahead of the Policy commencing from 31 January 2025.
Please note, that in light of there being no amendments to the Gambling Act 2005, or to the Gambling Commission’s Guidance to Licensing Authorities since the 2022 Policy review carried out by Ashfield District Council, and in line with the other Nottinghamshire Councils, no additions or amendments to the existing Policy have been made.

We must make sure our work and licences: 

  • prevent gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder or being used to support crime
  • ensure gambling is conducted in a fair and open way
  • protect children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling.

To support this and explain how we will carry out its duties under the Gambling Act 2005 we have a statement of gambling policy available.

The Gambling Commission is the national regulatory body for commercial gambling in the UK. We provide licences and permits for: 

  • betting offices, race tracks, bingo clubs, adult gaming centres and family entertainment centres
  • gaming machines in members' clubs and licensed premises (fruit machines or amusement with prizes), gaming in members' clubs
  • prize gaming
  • unlicensed family entertainment centres. 

We are also responsible for the registration of small society lotteries, promoted on behalf of non-commercial societies, and for temporary and occasional use notices.

We monitor and enforce all licences we issue. When considering applications other organisations, as well as members of the public, can make an objection. Along with us the organisations usually interested in gambling and lottery licences are: 

  • Nottinghamshire Police
  • Fire Authority
  • Child Protection Matters at Nottinghamshire County Council
  • HM Revenues and Customs
  • The Gambling Commission. 

Responsible authorities

Applications for premises licences require copies of your application to be sent to the responsible authorities. These are: 

Licensing Authority

Licensing Team
Ashfield District Council
Urban Road
Kirkby in Ashfield
NG17 8DA 

Nottinghamshire Police

The Chief Constable
Nottinghamshire Police HQ (CJ)
Liquor Licensing
Mansfield Police Station
Great Central Road Mansfield
NG18 2HQ 

Environmental Health

Environmental Health Team
Ashfield District Council
Urban Road
Kirkby in Ashfield
NG17 8DA 

telephone: 01623 457407

The Local Planning Authority

Planning Team
Ashfield District Council
Urban Road
NG17 8DA 

Fire Authority

Fire Protection North Group
Mansfield Fire Station
Rosemary Street
NG19 6AB

Safeguarding Authority

Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board
Nottinghamshire County Council
3rd Floor County Hall
Loughborough Road
West Bridgford

HM Revenue and Customs

HMRC National Registration Unit
Portcullis House
21 India Street
G2 4PZ

Gambling Commission

The Gambling Commission
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
B2 4BP

How much do licences cost?

Gambling Act 2005 (Betting and gaming)

Type Fee
Provisional Statement: New £1315.00
Provisional Statement: Conversion £660.00
Premises Licence: New £1315.00
Premises Licence: Variation (BINGO / NON-TRACKS) £1315.00
Premises Licence: Variation (AGC, FEC) £1000.00
Premises Licence: Variation (TRACKS) £1250.00
Premises Licence: Transfer £660.00
Premises Licence: Reinstatement £660.00
Notification of change £32.00
Copy of licence £19.00
Annual Fee: BINGO, TRACKS, AGC, FEC £620.00
Annual Fee: NON-TRACKS £600.00

Licensed premises gaming machine permit:

Type Fee
Grant (More than 2 machines in total) £150.00
Renewal £100.00
Variation £100.00
Transfer £25.00
Annual fee £50.00
Change of name £25.00
Copy of permit £15.00

Licensed premises automatic entitlement notification:

Type Fee
Notification (Max 2 machines) £50.00

Club gaming permits:

Type Fee
Grant: Holder of club premises certificate (LA2003) – no renewal required £200.00
Grant: Commercial clubs (not a holder of club premises certificate (LA2003)) £100.00
Renewal: Applicable only to commercial clubs £100.00
Variation £100.00
Annual fee £50.00
Change of name £25.00
Copy of permit £15.00

Club machine permits:

Type Fee
Grant: Holder of club premises cerificate (LA2003) – no renewal required £200.00
Grant: Commercial clubs (not a holder of club premises certificate (LA2003)) £100.00
Renewal: Applicable only to commercial clubs £100.00
Variation £100.00
Annual fee £50.00
Change of name £25.00
Copy of permit £15.00

Family entertainment centre gaming machine permits:

Type Fee
Grant: Operator not licensed by Gambling Commission £300.00
Grant: Operator licensed by Gambling Commission £100.00
Renewal £300.00
Change of name £25.00
Copy of permit £15.00

Prize gaming permits:

Type Fee
Grant: Operator not licensed by Gambling Commission £300.00
Grant: Operator licensed by Gambling Commission £100.00
Renewal £300.00
Change of name £25.00
Copy of permit £15.00

Society lotteries:

(Annual registration)

Type Fee
New: Registration of Society Lottery £40.00
Renewal: Registration of Society Lottery £20.00
Copy of paper registration £5.00