Submission documents and evidence base

Submission documents

Reference Title
SD.01 Ashfield Local Plan 2023 to 2040: Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Draft [DOCX 6Mb]
SD.02a Ashfield Local Plan Policies Map North [PDF 14Mb]
SD.02b Ashfield Local Plan Policies Map South [PDF 10Mb]

Sustainability appraisal:

Reference Title
SD.03 Sustainability Appraisal Report [DOCX 3Mb]
SD.03a Sustainability Appraisal Report - Non technical summary [DOCX 1Mb]
SD.03b Appendix A: Quality Assurance Checklist and SEA Definitions [DOCX 69Kb]
SD.03c Appendix B: Consultation Summary [DOCX 124Kb]
SD.03d Appendix C: Review of plans and programmes [DOCX 233Kb]
SD.03e Appendix D - Baseline [DOCX 8Mb]
SD.03f Appendix E: Appraisal of strategic housing growth options [DOCX 101Kb]
SD.03g Appendix F: Appraisal of strategic employment growth options [DOCX 103Kb]
SD.03h Appendix G: Appraisal of strategic spatial options [DOCX 256Kb]
SD.03i Appendix H: Appraisal of site alternatives [DOCX 219Kb]
SD.03j Appendix I: Appraisal of strategic policies [DOCX 122Kb]
SD.03k Appendix J: Appraisal of development management policies [DOCX 179Kb]
SD.03l Appendix K: Indicative monitoring indicators [DOCX 68Kb]
SD.03m Appendix L: Site scoring framework [DOCX 101Kb]
SD.03n Appendix M: Definitions of significance [DOCX 111Kb]

Habitat regulations assessment (HRA):

Reference Title
SD.04 Habitats Regulations Assessment, October 2023 [DOCX 17Mb]
SD.04a Habitats regulations assessment Appendix A - In combination assessment [DOCX 77Kb]
SD.04b Habitats regulations assessment Appendix B: Habitat site conservation objectives, threats and pressures [DOCX 73Kb]
SD.04c Habitats Regulations Assessment Appendix C: Habitats sites and corresponding SSSI conservation status [DOCX 66Kb]
SD.04d Habitats Regulations Assessment Appendix D: Extracted traffic modelling data for road links within 200m of Sherwood Forest ppSPA [DOCX 79Kb]
SD.04e Habitats Regulations Assessment Appendix E: Local Plan screening to inform the test of likely significance [DOCX 84Kb]
SD.04f Habitats Regulations Assessment Appendix F: Screening to inform the test of likely significance [DOCX 2Mb]
SD.04g Habitats Regulations Assessment Appendix G: Review of habitat types within 200m of screened in road links at the ppSPA [DOCX 67Kb]


Reference Title
SD.05 Local Development Scheme [DOCX 449Kb]
SD.06 Statement of community involvement [DOCX 680Kb]
SD.07 Statement of Consultation - Regulation 18 [DOCX 4Mb]
SD.08 Statement of Consultation Regulation 19 [DOCX 191Kb]
SD.08a Representations documents [page]
SD.09 Equality Impact Assessment [DOCX 919Kb]
SD.10 Health Impact Assessment [DOCX 432Kb]
SD.11 Annual Monitoring Report - 2021 to 2022 [DOCX 560Kb]
SD.12 Letter to Secretary of State - Notification of Local Plan submission [DOCX 57Kb]

Statutory duty to co-operate (Statements of Common Ground)

Reference Title
DTC.01 Duty to co-operate - Statement of compliance - Regulation 22 [DOCX 7Mb]
SCG.01 Statement of Common Ground between Ashfield District Council and the Nottingham Outer Housing Market Area Authorities [DOCX 2Mb]
SCG.02 Statement of Common Ground between Ashfield District Council and the Nottingham Core Housing Market Area Authorities [DOCX 2Mb]
SGC.03 Statement of Common Ground between Ashfield District Council and Environment Agency [DOCX 84Kb]
SCG.04 Statement of Common Ground between Ashfield District Council and NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board [DOCX 139Kb]
SCG.05 Statement of Common Ground between Ashfield District Council and National Highways [DOCX 727Kb]
SCG.06 Statement of Common Ground between Ashfield District Council and Natural England [DOCX 196Kb]
SCG.07 Statement of Common Ground between Ashfield District Council and Nottinghamshire County Council [DOCX 602Kb]
SCG.08 Not yet available
SCG.09 Statement of Common Ground between Ashfield District Council and Amber Valley Borough Council [DOCX 4Mb]
SCG.10 Statement of Common Ground between Ashfield District Council and Bolsover District Council [DOCX 16Mb]

Supporting evidence

Adapting to climate change:

Reference Title
SEV.01 Towards a sustainable energy policy for Nottinghamshire - Main document [DOCX 819Kb]
SEV.02 Strategic flood risk assessment - Level 1 [DOCX 21Mb]
SEV.03 Nottinghamshire operational renewable and low carbon energy scheme [DOCX 2Mb]
SEV.04 Low carbon energy opportunities and heat mapping for local planning areas across the East Midlands - Final report [DOCX 2Mb]
SEV.05 Greater Nottingham and Ashfield outline water cycle study [DOCX 12Mb]
SEV.06 Saving water - Water stress and Ashfield [DOCX 177Kb]

Protecting and enhancing the environment:

Reference Title
SEV.07 Strategic green belt review methodology [DOCX 82Kb]
SEV.07a Appendix 1 - Green belt assessment areas [PDF 10Mb]
SEV.07b Appendix 2 - Greater Nottingham and Ashfield green belt assessment framework [DOCX 392Kb]
SEV.07c Appendix 3 - Kirkby and Annesley green belt assessments [PDF 49Mb]
SEV.07d Appendix 4 - Selston green belt assessments [PDF 7Mb]
SEV.07e Appendix 5 - Jacksdale green belt assessments [PDF 4Mb]
SEV.07f Appendix 6 - Brinsley green belt assessments [PDF 17Mb]
SEV.07g Appendix 7 - Underwood green belt assessments [PDF 36Mb]
SEV.07h Appendix 8 - Hucknall green belt assessments [PDF 10Mb]
SEV.07i Appendix 9 - Junction 27, M1 Motorway green belt assessments [PDF 357Kb]
SEV.08 Green belt boundary review - Technical paper [DOCX 2Mb]
SEV.09  Criteria for local heritage asset designation [DOCX, 56.1 MB]
SEV.10 Hardwick setting study [PDF 22Mb]
SEV.11 Green and Blue Infrastructure and Biodiversity Strategy 2022 to 2032 [DOCX]  
SEV.12 The Nottinghamshire biodiversity opportunity mapping project – Ashfield District [DOCX 29Mb]
SEV.13 Greater Nottingham landscape character assessment [DOCX 17Mb]
SEV.14 Review of landscape character assessment for Ashfield District Council - Addendum statement [PDF 6Mb]
SEV.15 Ashfield playing pitch strategy 2023 to 2027 [DOCX 12Mb]
SEV.16 Public open space strategy 2016 to 2026 [DOCX 3Mb]
SEV.17 Heritage impact assessment for Local Plan [DOCX, 129 MB]
SEV.18 Allotment technical paper [DOCX, 107 MB]

Housing need and supply:

Reference Title
SEV.19 Greater Nottingham and Ashfield housing needs assessment - Final report [DOCX 5Mb]
SEV.20 Strategic housing and employment land availability assessment (SHELAA methodology and site assessments) [DOCX 353Kb]
SEV.20a Appendix E - SHELAA sites in Hucknall [DOCX 18Mb]
SEV.20b Appendix F - SHELAA sites in Kirkby [DOCX 16Mb]
SEV.20c Appendix G - SHELAA sites in Sutton [DOCX 12Mb]
SEV.20d Appendix H - SHELAA sites in Rural areas [DOCX 16Mb]
SEV.21 Greater Nottingham and Ashfield District Council Gypsy and Traveller accommodation assessment - Word [DOCX 1Mb]
SEV.22 First Homes assessment - Greater Nottingham [DOCX 118Kb]
SEV.23 Affordable housing delivery strategy 2019 to 2021 [DOCX 1Mb]
SEV.24 Ashfield District housing delivery action plan [DOCX 1Mb]
SEV.25 Housing land monitoring report [DOCX 2Mb]
SEV.26 Employment land monitoring report [DOCX 1Mb]


Reference Title
SEV.27 Nottinghamshire core and outer HMA logistics study [DOCX 4Mb]
SEV.28 Nottingham core HMA and Nottingham outer HMA employment land needs study [PDF 22Mb]
SEV.29 Strategic distribution and logistics background paper [DOCX 7Mb]
SEV.30 Employment land forecasting study - Nottingham core HMA and Nottingham outer HMA final report [DOCX 9Mb]
SEV.31 Ashfield and Mansfield - A plan for growth [DOCX 31Mb]
SEV.32 Town centre - Local centre study [DOCX 29Mb]
SEV.32a   Appendix A - Town centre composition plans [DOCX 40Mb]
SEV.32b   Appendix B - Town centre boundaries [DOCX 19Mb]
SEV.33   Sutton town centre spatial masterplan [DOCX 25Mb]
SEV.34   Kirkby town centre spatial masterplan - Shaping Kirkby's future [DOCX 6Mb]
SEV.35   Hucknall town centre masterplan [DOCX 15Mb]

Contributing towards successful development:

Reference Title
SEV.36   Ashfield District Council infrastructure delivery plan [DOCX 2Mb]
SEV.37   Infrastructure funding statement [DOCX 1Mb]
SEV.38   Ashfield District Council whole plan viability assessment [DOCX 23Mb]
SEV.39   Ashfield Local Plan strategic transport modelling assessment - Full report V2 [DOCX 4Mb]
SEV.39a   Ashfield Local Plan strategic transport modelling assessment – Figures document [PDF 10Mb]
SEV.39b   Ashfield Local Plan strategic transport modelling assessment – Appendix A - Ref case infrastructure assumptions [DOCX 20Kb]
SEV.40   Maid Marian Rail extension - Economic impact analysis [DOCX 10Mb]
SEV.41   Maid Marian Rail extension - Ashfield masterplan report [PDF 17Mb]
SEV.42   Greater Nottingham aligned core strategy - accessibility of settlements study [DOCX 1Mb]
SEV.43   Nottinghamshire Local Transport Plan 2011 To 2026 [DOCX 15Mb]
SEV.44   Ashfield District Council brownfield land capacity assessment [DOCX 7Mb]

Development plan documents

Reference Title
DP.01 Saved policies of the Ashfield Local Plan Review (Saved by direction of the Secretary of State, in 2007) [PDF]
DP.02 Jacksdale, Underwood and Selston Neighbourhood Plan [PDF]
DP.03 Teversal, Stanton Hill & Skegby Neighbourhood Plan [PDF]
DP.04 Nottinghamshire Waste Local Plan [PDF]
DP.05 Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan [PDF] 

Previous Local Plan consultation documents

Reference Title
CD.01 Draft Local Plan 2020-2038 (Regulation 18 full version) [PDF]
CD.02 Regulation 18 Local Plan Policies Map – North Sheet [PDF]
CD.03 Regulation 18 Local Plan Policies Map – South Sheet [PDF]
CD.04 Consultation draft Local Plan regulation 18 sustainability appraisal report [DOCX 31Mb]
CD.05 Sustainability appraisal scoping report 2020 [DOCX 7Mb]
CD.05a Appendix to sustainability appraisal scoping report 2020 [DOCX 367Kb]
CD.06 Draft sustainability appraisal scoping report 2020 - Consultation statement [DOCX 171Kb]

Other supporting Local Plan documents and background papers

Reference Title
BP.01 Background paper 1 - Spatial strategy and site section [DOCX 15Mb]
BP.02 Background paper 2 - Housing [DOCX 1Mb]
BP.03 Background paper 3 - Economy and employment land [DOCX 2Mb]
BP.04 Background paper 4 - Green belt harm assessment [DOCX 4Mb]
BP.05 Analysis of constraints for the District of Ashfield [DOCX 12Mb]

Council approvals

Reference Title
CA.01 Minutes of Cabinet - 6 November 2023 [DOCX 23Kb]
CA.02 Minutes of Council - 27 November 2023 [DOCX 25Kb]

Local Plan pages