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Community Protection Officers in hi-vis vests

Hundreds have their say on plans to wider anti-social behaviour powers

Almost 400 Ashfield residents responded to a call asking for their opinion on plans to wider powers aimed at curbing anti-social behaviour across the District.

Ashfield District Council wants to extend and vary the terms of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) previously introduced back in 2021.

The order gives local authorities powers to ban or restrict certain activities they believe are detrimental to an area.

ADC plans to widen restrictions currently aimed at combating car cruisers around junction 27 of the M1 to a District wide ban on ‘vehicle nuisance.’

This will ban drivers from performing stunts such as skidding, handbrake turns and doughnut manoeuvres on Ashfield’s roads.

The District also wants the power to fine those responsible for harassing women and girls in the street – making it the first authority in the region to do so. This is in response to a survey which showed 60% of women and girls said they had been verbally abused in public, including being subject to catcalling and sexual comments.

Following a 6-week consultation period, a total of 372 residents gave their views, answering a range of questions which asked if they agreed with the proposals or not.

The results of the feedback will now be shared with councillors at a Cabinet and Full Council meeting in July, when members will then decide if the new PSPO comes into effect on 1 October 2024.

John Bennett, Executive Director Place, for ADC said: 

“I want to thank all those who took the time to take part in the consultation period. It is important residents are given the opportunity to have their say on issues which affect everyone living and working in the District.”